Grow's Annual Fundraising Walk and Open Day

Group or organisation managing event
The Grow Project – Growing wellbeing through nature connection, in magical Sussex countryside)
Event Details
Guided walk from the Devil’s Dyke to Saddlescombe Farm Meet at Devil’s Dyke car park at 10.45, refreshments available. The day will start with guided walks from Devils Dyke Pub
Event Details
Guided walk from the Devil’s Dyke to Saddlescombe Farm
Meet at Devil’s Dyke car park at 10.45, refreshments available.
The day will start with guided walks from Devils Dyke Pub Car Park at 11am and 12.15pm down to the National Trust’s beautiful Saddlescombe Farm.
Clay oven baking,
Pole-lathing demonstration
Farm tour,
Clay making,
Creative gallery.
£12, conc £6
Buy tickets online at
(Sunday) 11:00 am
Event Address (inc postcode)
Saddlescombe Farm
Saddlescombe Road (near Brighton)
BN 45 7DE
The number 77 bus goes up to the Devils Dyke from central Brighton arriving at 10.46 and 12.01 or you can park in the pub car park.
We’ll also be running a minibus shuttle down to the farm for those that can’t manage the walk