Froglife – Discoving Dewponds Project
The Froglife Trust has been awarded a £249,900 grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund to restore nine aquatic wildlife havens under our ‘Discovering Dewponds’ project within the South Downs National Park (SDNP). The project will be working with The National Trust, The South Downs National Park Authority and co-funders Brighton & Hove City Council. Dewponds are a wonderful part of our natural and cultural heritage and provide vital habitats for threatened amphibians such as frogs and newts. With the decline in traditional shepherding, it is estimated that 39% of the dewponds in Sussex have been lost whilst many more are no longer visible in the
landscape. In addition to reversing these losses the project will work closely with local communities to bring these dewponds back to life as part of a wide-ranging public engagement programme. Project Dates: September 2021 – September 2024
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